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James GreenJames Green, Major Projects Portfolio Director and Head of Profession, Department for Education

James Green is the Major Projects Portfolio Director, Head of Profession for Project Delivery and Chief Risk Officer at the Department for Education. Prior to joining the Civil Service last year, James led the Institute of Government and Public Policy and has served as Chair of the Institute of Leadership. His other government roles include Director of Data at the Gambling Commission and leading Staffordshire County Council’s transformation portfolio.

James’ earlier career was in the British Army, leading teams and delivering operations and projects worldwide. He is a passionate advocate for the project management profession and using data to drive decision-making.

Thu 6 June 🕐 15:10-15:55 | Tackle Big Topics Stream

How to implement the six key principles into your own organisation

🞇 James Garner, Global Head of data, Insights and Analytics, Gleeds  🞇 Andy Murray, Executive Director, Major Projects Association 
🞇 Nermeen Latif, Programme Solutions -  Digital Team Lead, WSP  🞇 Geoff Smethills ChPP FAPM, Project Lecturer, Consultant and Senior Advisor
🞇 Kelly Hume, Lead Partner, Global Data, AI, Solutions & Engineering, Baringa 🞇 James Green, Major Projects Portfolio Director and Head of Profession, Department for Education