Join the chartered body for the project profession and become a part of our community of over 45,000 individual members and more than 470 corporate partnerships.
In our changing world, project professionals are at the forefront of delivering change and the environment for project delivery is becoming ever more complex. The project profession needs to be better understood, to have consistent standards and to set the highest bar.
We’re a registered charity, delivering education and developing qualifications, conducting research and providing resources. We run events, share best practice and give the project management community – individuals and businesses – the opportunity to connect and debate.
We know that better project delivery is about achieving your desired outcome. We believe it’s about more than process alone. When doing so will make a difference, we challenge the status quo and champion the new. So, in a complex and shifting world, we help the project profession deliver better.
Join the chartered body for the project profession and become a part of our community of over 45,000 individual members and more than 470 corporate partnerships.
These include our award-winning project management conferences, project management awards, community events and FREE webinars.
We’re a registered charity, governed by our Charter, which is supplemented by our regulations. You can find the details of our Board, the president and board committees here.
Our achievements and annual accounts are set out in the most recent annual report and review.
Honorary Fellowship of APM is one of our most prestigious awards, honouring those who have made a significant contribution to the profession. View a list of our Honorary Fellows, and find out how to nominate someone for the award.
APM membership requires adherence to a Code of Professional Conduct where details of the code and the conduct and ethical approach required from members are set out, along with the relevant procedural rules.
Our vision is a world in which all projects succeed. Our vision encapsulates all that we want to achieve as the only chartered membership organisation for the project profession. It’s the goal that we strive for.
Our mission is to advance the science, theory and practice of project and programme management for the public benefit. Our mission expresses how we’ll achieve our vision. It’s also our charitable objective.
Together our vision, mission and charitable aims form a key part of our strategy.
Our values were shaped by what our members and staff said they thought and felt towards us. They are core to who we are and define ourselves as an organisation. They drive and characterise how we communicate in every way and we are proud of what they represent.
We have four values. Each value contains associated behaviours. Read more about our values below.
Being Progressive is about approaching things with an open mind. We try to find the most creative way to get things done and we embrace technology, innovate and have a global outlook.
Being Thoughtful is about listening and leading debate. We constantly evolve, share our perspective, and own our voice. We support the skills that go beyond project management process alone and are fundamental to success.
Being Warm is about championing diversity and inclusivity. We treat everyone with empathy and respect – however challenging the circumstances. We’re also flexible, friendly and collaborative.
Being Excellent is about our commitment to promoting the profession and raising its profile. We set the benchmark with chartered status and constantly challenge ourselves to improve by investing in our quality of thought, delivery, dialogue and services.
The primary role of the APM Regional Networks is to provide high quality events that are accessible to all levels of our membership whilst also serving the wider public good.
These events offer opportunities to members to network, make connections and learn about the latest developments in project, programme and portfolio management as well as helping them with their continuing professional development (CPD).
The Regional Networks also play an important role as recruiters of new corporate and individual members and develop relationships with local corporates and education institutions.
The APM Interest Networks have an important role to play within APM in creating and disseminating new knowledge. They provide a forum where members and their guests can discuss a particular aspect of project, programme and portfolio management that is of current interest. These groups help further the understanding and practice of tools and techniques within the defined area of interest.
As a leading modern professional body, APM, the chartered body for the project profession, relies on the expertise and commitment of its volunteer community for the development and promotion of project and programme management. Opportunities to get involved with voluntary work with APM exist through:
APM publications aim to advance and broaden the knowledge of professional project management.
Submitting your book proposal to APM
APM, the chartered body for the project profession, welcomes publishing proposals from potential authors with content ideas relating to advancing the art and science of project management.
If you have an idea you’d like to share, please fill in and return our publishing proposal form. The form includes the key information we need regarding content type, scope and audience to consider your idea for publication.
We offer advice on preparing your proposal, style guidelines and editorial and external review.
Project is the official journal of the Association for Project Management (APM), the chartered body for the project profession. Produced quarterly the format aims to provide project management professionals with in-depth and insightful articles on all aspects of project, programme and portfolio management.
How do I receive Project?
Project is distributed free to all APM members. They automatically receive the journal as part of their membership benefits. If you wish to become a member, please have a look at our membership section for further information.
APM’s research programme aims to advance new and existing knowledge in the delivery of projects, programmes and portfolios. By developing innovative research and sharing its results and findings, APM helps to develop and promote a profession built around learning and collaboration. In this way, research helps to fulfil APM’s charitable objective:
'To advance the science, theory and practice of project and programme management for the public benefit.'
There are a number of ways of get involved: