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Event FAQs

Please review the following frequently asked questions relating to APM events. For any further questions please email us

Quick links:      General       Live Events      Virtual Conferences      Webinars


How do I book onto an APM event?

First you will need to register on the APM website. Once registered, simply head to the APM events page and select the event that you wish to book. You will then be guided through the booking and payment process. Once your booking is complete a confirmation email will be sent to the booker’s email address.

Can I place a group booking?

Yes, absolutely if there is availability. Before making the booking you will need to know the names, email addresses and membership numbers (if applicable) of your group. If paying by credit or debit card, once you have chosen which event you wish to book, you will then have the option to add attendees to your booking. 

If you wish to pay by purchase order, your group will need to contain more than four members and you will need to email to make your booking. Please note the booker will then act as the liaison between APM and their group. 

Can I join a waitlist for a fully booked event?

Yes, some (but not all) events have a waitlist which becomes available to add yourself to once the event is full, on the event booking page.

When and how do I pay?

Payment will be taken when placing your booking. Simply enter your card details on the payment page when asked to do so. Once your card has been verified, your booking will be confirmed, and you will receive a booking confirmation email.
Please note: Your booking is not secured until payment has been taken.

What is your event cancellations policy?

Bookings may be cancelled up to 14 days prior to the event but will be subject to an administration charge of 20% of the event booking sum (with a minimum administration charge of £10 applicable). You can see our full Terms and Conditions here. 

Live Events

When will I receive my ticket(s)?

Joining instructions for APM events will be emailed to you at least one week prior the event.  This may include requests for information such as dietary and accessibility requirements. Should an e-ticket be required to gain access to an event this will be emailed to you up three days prior to the event.  

Who should I notify of any access or dietary requirements?

For conferences please email at your earliest possible opportunity, with the details of your event booking and requirements. This will then be passed onto the relevant event manager. In addition, you may be sent a request for this information in advance of the event.  

For the Project Management Awards please notify the person who made your table booking as they will be contacted for this information. Alternatively email with your name and booking ID.

Please note that we cannot guarantee the accommodation of any dietary requirements received within two weeks of the event but will of course do our utmost to do so. 

Is there filming and photography at your events? 

All APM events may be recorded and/or streamed live through our website and socials. Though the main focus of the filming is likely to be the stage, audience members may feature in the footage. Event photographers may also be situated around the venue. 

Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for further details. 

What is your COVID policy for in person events?

  • We will be working closely with the venue to ensure the latest safety guidelines are adhered to and precautions are in place.
  • Hand sanitiser stations will remain in situ at key locations and touchpoints onsite.
  • The wearing of masks when moving around the venue, though optional, will be encouraged.
  • We ask that, if possible, attendees, who are experiencing symptoms, take a covid test before attending and to not attend if the result is positive.
  • We will keep you informed of any changes that may affect your attendance plans, based on the latest government guidelines and any specific venue requirements.

Virtual Conferences

How do I make the most of the networking opportunities available?

  1. Once you have received your event link, head to the platform and update your profile information so that delegates can easily find you. (Top tip: include a profile picture)
  2. Look out for people in sessions that make interesting points that you would like to discuss with them and then actively follow up by sending them a direct message via the attendees tab.
  3. Keep checking back to the ‘Discussions’ page throughout the event, to see and take part in the latest topics being debated in groups of up to six people on camera.
  4. Head to our sponsor rooms to uncover a range of links and documents you may be interested in. There is often someone on hand from the organisation that you can chat to, ask questions, and discuss potential opportunities for collaboration.

Do I need a webcam and microphone to participate?

A camera and microphone is not essential when watching the sessions, however our new platform enables delegates to participate in certain sessions (collaborative sessions), so should you wish to be involved in these discussions a camera and microphone will be required.

Do I need a zoom account to watch sessions?

No, although our new platform is partnered with zoom, individual delegates will not require a zoom account to access any features within the event. If sessions where you may utilise your camera, if you have a zoom account you may opt to log in to this when prompted, rather than using the web browser version provided to all delegates.

I have not received an email with a link to the event

Once your booking is complete (and payment taken where applicable), you will receive joining instructions approximately one week prior to the event. A separate email should then follow approximately two days prior to the event from, containing a link to the event. Should you not have received your link two days prior to the event, please recheck your spam folders and then email with your booking confirmation attached so that we get you up and running as quickly as possible.

I have not received my verification code

Please ensure you are using the same email address you booked with and that your link was sent to - any other email address will not be registered and will therefore not have access to the event. If you are using the correct email address, please try resending your verification code. Once you have rechecked your spam folders, if you are still facing difficulties please email with your booking confirmation attached so that we get you up and running as quickly as possible.

My verification code is not working

Verification codes expire after 24 hours after which you will require a new code. A new code will also be required if you are switching devices. If you have entered an incorrect verification code more than 10 times your account will be deactivated and you will need to email, with your booking confirmation attached, so that we get you up and running as quickly as possible.

I am unable to log in

Some work devices with extensive firewalls may be blocking the platform from functioning. Unfortunately, there is very little we can do in this instance and advise you to either use a personal device or contact your IT department.

Although the platform is compatible with most browsers, we recommend Google Chrome for the optimum experience.

*Please note you are NOT logging into your APM account but a third-party platform to access the sessions for which you will have been emailed an event link.

The session sound is cutting out/lagging

Unfortunately, this is solely due to an individual’s internet connection and bandwidth. To increase your bandwidth, you could try the following:

  1. Log out of your VPN (if you have your log in credentials to easily sign back in!)
  2. Close any applications that you have open that are using the internet such as MS Teams or Skype

Alternatively, you can reduce the stream quality via your control bar at the bottom of the screen.

Will the sessions be available on catch up?

This will depend on the event but most of our virtual conferences provide catch up during the event and/or on demand viewing via our website post event.


What to expect

Once you are in the webinar, you will be able to see the slides and hear the presenters. You won't be able to speak but you will be able to type any questions that you have for the presenter. At the end of the presentation we will endeavor to answer as many of these questions as possible.

MS Teams webinar
If you are attending an MS Teams webinar the presenter may chose to utilise the ‘breakout room’ feature. This is something that will be actioned by the host and allows attendees to disperse into smaller groups. You will automatically be returned to the main room when required.

Can I watch the webinar back?

The webinar will be recorded where possible and can be viewed at a later date on the APM YouTube channel.

Technical difficulties

Please ensure that Java is up-to-date on your PC (download latest update) and that you meet the minimum system requirements prior to joining an APM webinar.

Should you have difficulties with your computer audio, why not dial in to listen by calling +44 20 3713 5012 and enter the access pin 559-306-331 followed by a #.

If you are facing technical issues with GoToWebinar you can contact their technical support directly on 0800 640 4005.

MS Teams
If you are facing technical issues with MS Teams head to their support page for video tutorials and answers to your questions.