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Exploring the Transformative UK AI-Powered project BeefTwin

 Artificial Intelligence • Sustainability 

The BeefTwin project aims to transform UK beef farming by addressing sustainability and economic challenges through AI-powered digital twin technology.

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APM celebrates international growth with Regional Networks in United Arab Emirates & Republic of Ireland

 Regional Networks 

The new Regional Networks will promote local engagement and support professional development through best practice across all sectors.

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businesswoman standing and looking contemplative

How to say no as a busy project professional

 Happiness at workMental wellbeing 

How often do you feel out of control of your workload? How often do a client’s extra demands make a mockery of your carefully planned project schedules?

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Mid adult African man in glasses with coffee, smiling and talking to colleague, senior woman using laptop and making notes

Considering boundaries in project management

 Projects • Project management 

This blog article seeks to introduce the boundary concept to project professionals as an essential tool in maximising outcomes of benefit and managing risks related to scope, stakeholders and deployment.

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Teacher with a group of university students, in a laboratory classroom

Sharks in the water: The hidden dangers beneath a perfect plan

 Planning and managing deployment 

In project management, thorough planning is often heralded as the cornerstone of success. Project professionals and their teams invest significant effort into crafting comprehensive plans – from developing cost baselines and budgets to schedules and risk management plans.

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business woman standing and looking contemplative

The art of incredible interviews: how to stand out as a project manager

 InterviewsProject management 

For job-seeking project managers (PM), opportunities are rife - but the stakes of an interview have never been higher. Whether you’re a junior PM managing small teams or a senior project leader overseeing multi-million-pound portfolios, you’re up against stiff competition. To stand out, you need to do more than just showcase your experience.

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Close up of a group of students in the university working on their computers

Reimagining the project manager

 Success factors • Project management 

In this day and age, the advent of technology has significantly transformed project management, project management software and collaboration tools, and remote work has redefined the role.

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businesswoman standing with colleague

Why your project management methodology might be causing your projects to fail

 Project failureMethodologies 

We usually look to apply the new tools and disciplines ‘in’ the project, but what about using these tools on the project ‘vehicle’ itself – and could your PMM actually be the cause of your project failures?

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Vijay Viradia
AI-powered PMO: Transforming project management with intelligence
Adam Skinner
Future focused: Transforming portfolios with data-driven insights – The Portfolio Management Interest Group Conference