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X Fac Cover

The X factor of project leaders

In his new book for APM, Gordon MacKay, project management capability lead at Sellafield, rethinks the stereotype of the command-and-control leadership style and finds out how highly effective leaders really behave.

Cambridge Cover

Conquering Cambridge

The international tech, pharma and life science businesses that call this storied university city home are creating an explosion of opportunities for project managers.

Video Games Cover

The video games explosion

Dave Waller meets the project manager behind blockbuster video game Angry Birds and other industry aficionados to find out what it takes to manage the production of a megabudget entertainment project.

Energy Cover

From black to green

Energy giants such as Shell and BP are accelerating their moves away from a dependence on oil and heading towards more diversified portfolios – including clean, renewable energy.

The Big Interview Cover

The big interview: Joanna Rowland

The director general of the COVID-19 Response Unit at HMRC has played a critical role in making the government’s economic interventions happen.