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APM Board Elections 2020 - voting is now open

Association for Project Management (APM) Full and Fellow members are being encouraged to cast their vote in the APM Board elections 2020, which will see three newly elected trustees take an active role in shaping the future of APM and the project profession.


Building support for sponsorship in the project profession webinar

Part 4 in this 4 part Enhancing Sponsorship within the project profession – webinar series We heard on Thursday 1 October 2020 the panel debate/discuss recommendations from our recent sponsor survey and past webinars in this series relating to the development of a competency framework, the approach to training and the need for accreditation for sponsors.

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In the spotlight: the growing specialism of legal project management

In the spotlight: the growing specialism of legal project management Legal project management is a discipline attracting growing interest among corporate law firms, leading to greater professionalism among ‘accidental’ project managers, Association for Project Management (APM) can reveal.


Business strategy for the aspiring project professional webinar

The most recent ‘Projecting the Future’ publication titled ‘The adaptive project professional’, states that for an individual project professional’s development, they “need to go beyond classic technical project management skills and build the ability to engage with, and provide leadership to, varied project stakeholders”.