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Mastering Speaking and Presentation Skills webinar

We've all been there and endured it; the list of personal qualifications which the speaker takes 10 minutes to wade through, the corporate PowerPoint slides riddled with bullet points, the droning voice which never changes in intensity, pace or tone! This webinar was held on 22 September 2020.


Empower future leaders to sustain project knowledge ecosystems

Harnessing the capacity of a future generation of strategic decision-makers is crucial for the continuity of organisations involved in project and programme research, according to a new study supported by Association for Project Management (APM).


Welcome to the APM Women in Project Management SIG newsletter Autumn 2020

APM Women in Project Management SIG – Autumn newsletter 2020   Follow us on social mediaOur linkedIn group APM Women in Project Management SIG or via twitter @apmwipmsig #apmwipm #WiPMNewsletter contents Welcome message from our chair Committee elections – new committee members Events update Current research APM WiPM SIG virtual conference 2020 A journey to Chartership Books and links we like And finally.


Lessons from lockdown webinar

As the UK began to address the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the resulting lockdown has had a huge impact on the way we work.